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Fascia tissue is basically connective tissue. It has nerves that are as sensitive as skin and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place.

This tissue is so strong it can take up to 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch. It contracts and stretches over the muscle so it should be gently stretched and released.

The fascial system is incredibly important in our bodies, as they help with stability of our structures as well as assisting general mobility. Keeping the tissue mobile is a vital piece to promote good quality motion and movement patterns. The best way to keep the fascial system healthy is to move your body daily and often and moving your body you can also help self-release the tissue.

Why do you want to release the tissue? Well, the tissue can get twisted and just knotted up. This can wreak havoc on your body especially around your joints. The way the tissue is structured and crisscrosses the body (i.e. connects left shoulder to right hip) is such that tight or twisted fascia could affect both the left shoulder and the right hip causing pain in both places simultaneously, making it difficult to know what the actual problem is!

There are many different ways to self-release this tight tissue, but the most common and beneficial is called myofascial release. This is a technique you can try yourself or with the assistance of a licensed professional.

For example:

Craniosacral therapy


Foam rolling

Massage sticks or tiger tails

Trigger points (by yourself you can use tools like a tennis ball, lacrosse ball and softballs or again have a trained professional do it)


I’ve had plenty of experience with my own twisted tissue and have had great results with cupping massage and trigger points. It has made an enormous difference in my own body and in my client’s bodies. In some cases where surgery was on the horizon, some have been temporarily put on hold, maybe even permanently!


Tracy Carson

Personal Trainer, The GYM @ Milford



John Hopkins

John Fava Platinum Physical Therapy

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